How to Approach Customer Service 2.0

Customer service 2.0

As Web 2.0 matures, the line between marketing and customer service is beginning to blur.

Service mishaps and product breakdowns can no longer be swept under the rug. That’s because more than 70% of US and Canadian consumers use the Internet (InternetWorldStats) and can share their experiences with the world.

“The social revolution is forcing companies to evolve and redesign any and all strategies that include existing or potential customers and stakeholders,” said Brian Solis, Founder of FutureWorks and blogger at PR 2.0. “And,” he added, “many don’t even know it yet.”

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Is Your Website Content Useful?

Web content useful

Pretty designs and flowery words don’t provide your visitors value. Relevant website content does.

What’s relevant? It’s whatever your target market deems relevant.

For instance, a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that provides practical insight into your target market’s common concerns could be regarded the most valuable part of your website. Alternatively, an aggressive pitch for a product your visitor has no use for is a complete waste of time — for all parties involved.

Here are some essentials to deliver useful website content:

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How Much Does a Good Web Writer Cost?

How much does a web writer cost

The abilities of good web writers are often undervalued. That’s why so many websites — as good as they might look — don’t generate leads and sales. The web content doesn’t attract traffic nor does it convert.

This week, for example, a business owner wrote us:

“I spent on webcopy 3 times and not happy so looking for one more time before I give up. Your rate $500 is high though so if you are not flexible/negotiable, it is OK if you don’t respond.”

We did respond, suggesting he try Craig’s List. The referred to $500 is our minimum charge, which basically gets clients a keyword analysis. His project, which comprised up to 20 pages, would cost several times that.

Meanwhile, say he was looking at spending about $300 for the 20 pages of web writing. That’s $15 per page. And that’s supposed to include planning, interviews, research, copywriting, tags and revisions?

What does a good web writer cost? A lot more than $15 per page. No skilled writer would agree to — or be able to — deliver quality goods at that rate.

Chances are this business owner will find someone who lacks the skills to produce effective web writing for the fourth consecutive time. The small sum of money he’s spending each time is being wasted on empty marketing hype that will continue to thwart and damage his business.

The fact that so many people want to or love to write does not make writers a commodity. As is the case with designers, musicians and athletes, the good ones get results, and must be compensated accordingly.

Don’t Cut Corners (Dream Bigger)

With too many people living each day in a hectic world, Marketing guru Seth Godin includes this in his blog:

“Is cutting corners to make a buck appropriate when you consider what you could have done? What would someone with a bigger vision have done instead?”

We sometimes have to remind ourselves to dream harder, build a vision and strive to achieve grand goals.

During a recent meeting with Vancouver business consultant Mark Wardell, he spoke about the amazing results people get when they simply write goals and objectives down on a piece of paper.

I’ve seen it work, and have experienced it personally. I recall the story about comedian Jim Carrey replicating a cheque on a piece of file card for $10 million. It wasn’t long before he received it — and much more.

Next time you get the urge to cut a corner, stop and take a moment to dream bigger.

Is Your Web Writing Aligned for the Web?

Most populations read from left to right, hence, it’s best to align your web writing to the left side of your pages.

Centered or right-aligned text is difficult to read. It causes eye strain, which is bad for visitors and consequently counter-productive for your business. Centered headlines can also hinder readability.

Making your web writing easy to read is a plus for your visitors and your bottom line.

Interview with Google’s Search Quality VP

Here’s an insightful interview with Udi Manber, Google’s VP of Engineering. CNET News Blog’s Stephen Shankland gets him to discuss everything from Internet maturity to upcoming search trends.

How to Find a Web Copywriter

How to Find a Web Copywriter

“How do I find the right web copywriter for my business?” That’s a common question by business owners at forums and seminars.

The answer is quite simple: on the Web.

A web copywriter who knows how to write for search engines will be visible on the Web. And if he can promote himself online, he’ll be able to promote you (be it in Toronto, New York, London or globally, if desired)

But your web copywriter also needs to be well versed writing for another audience: people. Getting prospects to your site is one challenge; converting them into customers is another. So ensure the copywriter delivers clear, concise and objective web writing that is customer centric.

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Where’s Your Prospect’s Sore Spot?

Copywriting trigger points

To convert sales, your web content must diagnose your prospect’s sore spot, and explain how you’ll bring them relief.

To simplify the process, try to categorize their difficulties into on of the three main categories:

  1. Financial
  2. Strategic
  3. Personal

By diagnosing a prospect’s problem, and showing you understand and have a proven solution that caters to their specific needs, you’ll significantly increase the chances of converting them into a customer.

If you don’t fully understand your prospect’s issues — even if it’s just their perception — you’ll miss many opportunities.

Don’t rush to make the sales pitch. Ask questions, listen and then discuss solutions.

Common Web Content Mistakes

Common Web Content Mistakes

Common web content mistakes on websites, especially on home pages, include:

Disclaimers – Don’t greet visitors with apologies and excuses for a lame or out-of-date site. Take the suspect pages or sections offline, make time to rectify the content, or hire a professional. Ill-equipped web content can kill your credibility.

Welcome Messages – “Thank you for visiting,” “This site is meant to” and “Take a look around” are unnecessary. In fact, such over-used phrases waste your visitors’ time, and they may return the favor by hitting the back button.

Clichés – Spare your online visitors the cute and the clever. Clichés usually add no value and can create barriers when communicating to global audiences. Webcopyplus has conducted web content conversion tests in which the removal of clichés increased sales. That’s why web content writers need to push their egos aside and write for the target audience.

Is Your Website Cluttered?

Vancouver business coach Mark Wardell features an article titled 10 tips for growing your business on his website. One of the points, keep your business spotless, rings true for websites.

He sates: “Unless you own a farm, dirt and clutter give an unprofessional impression whereas a clean business sends a message of professionalism to everyone, including your staff.”

The same goes for websites. Is yours cluttered? Here’s a checklist.

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