Copywriters Need to Know the Customer

Copywriters Need to Know the Customer

To write persuasive web copy, copywriters need to think like customers. It makes it easier to figure out what benefits and features the targeted audience cares about, and build key messages to motivate them to take desired actions.

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How To Be a Better Person (via @Twitter)


Even though keywords in your tweets are now showing up in Google’s real-time search results, people are still skeptical about the value of using Twitter.  Webcopyplus is here to tell you that in addition to increasing your social media ROI, Twitter can help make you a better person.  In fact, we’re going to show you how you can use Twitter to become a charismatic, hilarious, philanthropic superstar — without every having to leave the comfort of your glowing screen.

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New Staff Order…

Social Media Cartoon - Facebook Twitter Digg - For the Love of Pixels

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The Future of Marketing

Future of marketing

Canadian Business’ Paul Brent recently suggested in Dewing It Alone that the power of social networks could render traditional marketing departments obsolete. It certainly seems to be putting the nail in the coffin.

Marketing spend is rapidly shifting online as businesses are realizing they can get more bang and reach through the Internet. To be sure, the Internet has already killed the old music institution and transformed TV. Case in point: the appeal and effectiveness of traditional 30-second commercials are fading fast, and new players and methods are taking over.

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Google to Reward Fast Websites

Google will soon be unveiling a new search architecture called Google Caffeine, which promises to be faster, and bring users social media updates in real time.

From an SEO perspective, it will reportedly inject a new ranking factor into the algorithm — website speed. As a result, Google will be pushing faster sites higher in the search results, whereas slower sites will find it harder to rank.

On that front, here’s an insightful article you might want to check out: Website Performance: What To Know and What You Can Do.

Benefits of Having a Website

Most business owners understand and appreciate the benefits of having a website: it’s cheaper and more flexible than print; makes market expansion possible regardless of your size; works for you 24/7/365; and increases revenue stream opportunities. The list goes on.

But while websites provide a super highway for informational communication, there’s also the all-important relational aspect. Websites are critical in establishing and nurturing relationships with others.

Indeed, use websites to get your point across. Just don’t forget to leverage the opportunity to foster closer ties and create a solid rapport with your prospects and clients alike.

Whether you take advantage of e-mail, newsletters, online tools or one of many nifty Web 2.0 applications, remember your website can build authentic relationships that create desirable outcomes for all parties involved.

Web 3.0 Coming Soon?

Call it a marketing gimmick or a historical milestone, some say Web 2.0 will soon make room for Web 3.0.

There are rumblings that Web 3.0 may be able to search meta tags and labels to a much greater degree – thanks to the combination of ‘tagging’ that comes with the social media culture and advancing technology. The expected outcome: sites will spit exceptionally relevant results back at users.

A lot of discussions are based on what’s called Semantic Web. It’s believed computers will scan and interpret collections of information called ontologies using software agents. An ontology, by the way, is a file that defines the relationships amongst a group of terms. Smarter software, smarter computers!

Few would argue the surfacing technology will make the Web smarter, more efficient and profitable. For instance, businesses will gain piercing insights into customer behaviors, which could be used to serve them better (and reach deeper into their pocketbooks).

For business owners and consumers alike, Web 3.0 will likely make it easier to sort through and benefit from the colossal loads of information floating aimlessly around the Web. Perhaps there is a real Google killer not too far off in the horizon.

When will we be exploring (or exploiting) Web 3.0? TutZone’s “Bariski” predicts Web 3.0 will likely get rolling in 2010 and end by 2020. He noted: “It will be the most evolutionary development of that decade because now Web is not just technically orienting people, but it has major social contributions also.”

Bariski even peered into a crystal ball to provide some thought-provoking predictions.

Why Online Marketing Makes More Sense Than Ever

Online marketing 2011 2012 2013

For more than a decade, sales strategists have been advising businesses to take their marketing online. Forward-looking companies have heeded this message.

However, many businesses still prefer traditional media such as TV, radio and newsprint. So while typical consumers might spend 25% of their media time surfing the Web, these companies might only be investing 5% or so of their marketing budgets on websites and other online promotions.

These businesses need to get with the times and accelerate their investments on the Internet, especially during the downturn. Here are a few good reasons why.

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Websites Aren’t Just for Selling Widgets

During a recent web writing class, I was surprised to learn several participants felt websites in general have only one main purpose: to sell products or services.

In the business realm, promoting products and services is common. However, there are many other types of websites, including:

  • Personal or biographic websites, a.k.a. blogs
  • News websites, which can complement newspapers
  • Informational websites, designed to share information on specific topics or hobbies
  • Instructional websites, ready to educate you, often cost-effectively and around the clock
  • Community websites, or social websites, Web 2.0 sites…call them what you will
  • And entertainment websites, made to distract or amuse you

If you’re looking to launch a new website, be sure to answer a few key questions before you employ a web designer, web writer or any one else. It’ll save you much money and time, and help you succeed.

My Face

My Face

I officially no longer know anyone without a social networking account. Even if the page has fallen into disuse, much to the chagrin of their virtual harem, it’s out there lurking in the bowels of cyberspace.

My Space and Facebook have taken the world by storm. What people don’t always realize is that social media can be used to drive traffic to your business website.

Post articles about your work, build a community around your project, and always remember to include plenty of links to your site.

Sign up to as many social networking sites as possible to push business to your site—after all, it’s free.

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