Engaging With Purpose: Interview With Brian Solis

Digital Analyst Brian Solis

At a time when everyone with a smart phone and a Twitter account boasts social media genius, digital analyst Brian Solis renews our faith in the existence of intelligent discourse in that realm. Author of Engage!, a comprehensive guide for businesses vying for success in the social web, Solis offers practical advice on how to build a social media strategy and measure its effectiveness beyond the template follower-counting approaches.

Webcopyplus recently stole a few moments of his time to ask some pressing questions on the minds of most businesses trying to optimize their digital reach.

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7 Awesome Creativity Boosting Sites

Creativity Boosting Sites

No matter the industry, all creative professionals, and even the left-brained ones, need to look outside of our circles of influence for inspiration. By exploring new ideas, images, methodologies or concepts, we expand our minds and fuel our own creativity. This is how innovation happens, and how new products, business practices and ways of living help us grow as individuals and as a society.

Where do you look for creative inspiration? Here are some awesome locations around the Web where you can bask in the creativity of your fellow humans.

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Design vs. Content: Agency Professionals Weigh In

Content Versus Design - Webcopyplus Web Copywriter Blog

Content and design. Written communications and visual communications. When it comes to creating winning websites, which plays a more important role? Our web copywriters reached out to six experienced agency professionals from the US, Canada and England to get their take.

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Game of Death: Lessons in Life and Marketing

Marketing - Power of Authority Photo

A recent controversial documentary Game of Death reveals how TV game show participants knowingly inflicted pain and potential death on a fellow contestant in a bid to comply with authority. The shocking outcome reinforces the findings of another controversial experiment led by Yale University in the 1960s. It’s something marketers take advantage of, and consumers should be aware of.

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How to Avoid Website Redesign Backlash

How to Avoid Website Redesign Backlash

Recent redesign catastrophes have begged the question — how can Web-based businesses that want their brands to evolve avoid harsh backlashes and possible brand suicide?

Most would say the answer is simple — do it right and you won’t have a backlash, or at least you won’t have one you can’t recover from.

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27 Unconventional People to Follow on Twitter

Twitter followers - Webcopyplus Web Copywriter Blog

Twitter gives us all a killer platform to network, research, promote and brand. We strive for and eventually build powerful, meaningful, like-minded communities. But sometimes it’s helpful to shake things up and tap into different industries and views to broaden our minds. Following is a list of 27 intriguing people who can tweet new perspectives into your world.

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Google Algorithm Update Boosts Value of Quality Content

Black Hat SEO

The value of original, high quality web content continues to rise as Google makes new moves to decrease the visibility of low-quality websites. The search engine giant recently updated its algorithm to suppress the presence of link farms, which generate endless streams of poorly written, regurgitated articles. It’s all in a bid to cater to users who have been complaining about spammy sites appearing in top search results.

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Best Buy Facebook Fans Tell Justin Bieber to Buzz Off

Justin Bieber Social Media Best Buy

Best Buy will run its first Super Bowl game ad this Sunday. The spot will feature the odd pairing of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne with Justin Bieber.

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App Blocks Your Internet Connection for Just $10!

Internet Addiction

Shortly after writing about Internet addiction, a photographer reached out and told us about a service that blocks the Internet from your computer. While you might pay a small fortune to access the Internet, you can block it for just a few bucks. Sounds too good to be true, right? So we had to look into it.

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Controlling Your Brand in a Web 2.0 World

Steve Jobs Google Search with Autocomplete

Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine and author of the best-selling book The Long Tail, once stated that “your brand isn’t what you say it is, it is what Google says it is.” In a world where most website visitors find your company through search engines, this statement seems truer than ever. When search engines assign the same weight to bloggers as multi-national corporations, how much control can you exert over your brand?

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