Someone in the printing business recently suggested to me websites are “overrated.” I was blown away. A website is not just a piece of the marketing pie; it’s the actual hub that connects all the marketing strategies and tactics, online and offline.
Regardless what business or industry you’re in, websites have evolved into the base of operations, where prospects and clients inevitably go to gain product, service, and company information.
Of course, other marketing elements play a role: postcards, e-mails, PR, commercials and much more. But these sources frequently push people to a website. Even TV commercials are trading in 1-800 numbers for website addresses.
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The article Web copy motivators notes fear is a powerful influential factor on and off the Web. But, as Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive
notes, it can also be counter-productive.
Research has demonstrated that fear-arousing communications usually stimulate the audience to take action to reduce the threat. However, Author Robert Cialdini explained, “When the fear producing message describes danger but the audience is not told a clear, specific, effective means of reducing the danger, they may deal with the fear by ‘blocking out’ the message or denying it applies to them.”
As a result, they may be paralyzed into taking no action at all.
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Posted on Jan 22 2010 5:40 pm by Web Copywriters
tags: Website Conversions
category: Writing for the Web |
Marketing intelligence is important, but so is practical intelligence.
Marketing intelligence comes from gathering information on business and competition. This intelligence helps businesses understand a market, so it can develop sound strategies and develop customer relationships.
You’ve gained valuable knowledge. You’ve got a high IQ. Fantastic! But what you do with it relies on practical intelligence.
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Posted on Jan 14 2010 3:06 pm by Web Copywriters
tags: Copywriters
category: Writing for the Web |
Google will soon be unveiling a new search architecture called Google Caffeine, which promises to be faster, and bring users social media updates in real time.
From an SEO perspective, it will reportedly inject a new ranking factor into the algorithm — website speed. As a result, Google will be pushing faster sites higher in the search results, whereas slower sites will find it harder to rank.
On that front, here’s an insightful article you might want to check out: Website Performance: What To Know and What You Can Do.
Posted on Jan 8 2010 1:14 pm by Web Copywriters
tags: Search Engines Technology
category: Website promotions |
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Harrison Hot Springs has invited Colbert Nation’s Stephen Colbert to embark on an official search for the Sasquatch during his upcoming trip to British Columbia for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games.
Harrison Hot Springs, a 90-minute drive from the Vancouver International Airport and the Richmond Olympic Oval, has been the focal point of the mysterious ape-like creature, also called Bigfoot, for more than a century.
If Colbert accepts the invitation, he will be provided transportation, accommodations and special training (which could include spa treatment) to help him prepare both physically and mentally.
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Posted on Jan 7 2010 4:49 pm by Web Copywriters
category: Business & marketing |

Different visitors invest in products and services for different reasons. Hitting these ‘trigger points’ translates to higher conversion rates.
It’s integral to consider who you are communicating to, and why you’re communicating to them.
To sell effectively, you need to pinpoint why visitors buy things. Here are a few possible motivators.
Posted on Dec 30 2009 1:19 am by Web Copywriters
tags: Website Conversions
category: Writing for the Web |
Good web copy layers details via links to help visitors easily access information relevant to their needs.
Links help visitors scan pages. Properly developed links stand out from normal text, and provide strong cues as to what the page is about.
When naming links, the more specific, the more useful. Don’t just give visitors a hint — give them the necessary information they require to act, right then and there.
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Posted on Dec 28 2009 2:21 pm by Web Copywriters
tags: Web Content Strategy Writing for the Web
category: Writing for the Web |
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Google’s Vice-President for Search Products and User Experience, Marissa Mayer, recently shared her insights into the future of Internet search engines.
Mayer says the ideal will be to get access to your friends’ updates in search. There may be increased privacy concerns and complaints from publishers, but Mayer and Google likely won’t be deterred.
Look out! An omniscient, omnivorous Google is coming, and it knows what you want — even if you don’t.
Read: Marissa Mayer: An omnivorous Google is coming
Posted on Dec 15 2009 11:38 pm by Web Copywriters
category: Website promotions |
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Comment spammers should stop their shenanigans, suggests Google.
Comment spammers abuse comment fields of innocent websites, like blogs and forums, to get inbound links in an attempt to improve their website’s organic search ranking.
In line with its objective to provide Internet users the most relevant and valuable results, Google has algorithmic ways of discovering those alterations and tackling them.
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Posted on Dec 4 2009 4:36 pm by Web Copywriters
category: Website promotions |
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Business owners frequently ask our web content writers, “How long should a web page be?” The answer is, it depends.
Short web pages allow the majority of material to be above the fold, allowing website visitors to click on relevant links to drill down for additional details.
Long web pages provide a steady flow of information, eliminating the need for website visitors to click links.
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Posted on Dec 2 2009 2:44 am by Web Copywriters
tags: Writing for the Web
category: Writing for the Web |