Power Branding: The Apple Religion

Apple religion

Few would argue the Apple brand is mighty, with every product release, update and rumour spawning global buzz and madness (consider the recent iPad launch and the case of the missing iPhone). Behind the appetite for anything Apple are intensely loyal consumers, who many claim are fundamentalists. Accordingly, some consider Apple a religion.

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What Really Motivates Us?

Approving Projects By Committee…


Crazy For Flash…

Flash Button - Webcopyplus web copywriter cartoon

View Point: To Flash or Not to Flash?

Webcopyplus Web Copywriter Falsh intro article

Flash intros were once prevalent on the Web. They’re animations presented to visitors when they arrive at a website. Here’s an example. To help determine whether they’re a fad of the past, or provide website owners and visitors value, we asked web designers and developers:

Should businesses consider Flash intros for their websites?

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Outdated SEO Tactic: Search Engine Submissions

Outdated SEO tactics

While it was once a requisite SEO tactic, submitting a website to search engines is no longer required. Still, several SEO companies continue to aggressively promote search engine submission services.

Search engines like Google now have the ability to quickly and easily discover and index new websites and content through links. So, to get discovered, you just need to get some links pointing to your website.

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Know Your Audience: Shoplifters Love Free Things

Shoplifter promo - Webcopyplus Web Copywriter

Priceless Video Surrounding Vendor Client Relationships

Features Versus Benefits

Features Versus Benefits - Benefits Sell in Web Copy

Website visitors don’t buy products or services; they invest in what the products or services will do for them.

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The Intern…

Webcopyplus web copywriters - Internet Cartoon

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