No one liked the kid that bossed them around in school, but chances are, that bossy kid got what they wanted more often than the quiet ones.
You don’t have to be the unlikeable kind of boss to get what you want on the Web. In fact, simply asking people to complete a task can go a long way. Here are five reasons to be bossier on the Web, and how it can help get your web content, and your business, in front of more eyes.
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Product web pages are the “money” pages of your website. They’re where you convert lookers to buyers. If you want to maximize conversions, it’s not enough to merely cut and paste manufacturer product descriptions onto your product pages. You need to structure and write product information specifically for the web. Here are a few tips.
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Any experienced copywriter knows when you take time to explore your prospects, you’ll produce more effective content, a stronger marketing campaign and boost conversions. So, to truly connect with and engage your desired audience, be sure to consider their emotions, attitudes and aspirations.
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Why are writers crazy, so depressed and weird? Jeez, that’s quite a reputation to uphold! Are recurring deadlines, writer’s block or lack of sleep to blame? Or is it just that crazy, depressed and weird people tend to become writers?
What do you think? Tell us your theory in the comments below…
Posted on Jun 27 2012 12:22 pm by Web Copywriters
tags: Copywriters Working in the Web
category: Web world at large |

Are you a loner? Think of yourself as a one-man wolf pack? Whether you’re in Las Vegas looking for trouble or an entrepreneur seeking sweet success, growing your wolf pack provides an opportunity to creatively collaborate with different people who can complement your knowledge, skill, influence and access.
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Demonstrating the superior value your business can deliver can set it apart from competitors, and persuade people to purchase your products or services. Are you missing opportunities? Fortunately, there are three key areas where you can demonstrate the value you offer outweighs the cost to the consumer: financial, strategic and personal.
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Posted on Mar 27 2012 8:42 am by Web Copywriters
tags: Business and the Web Marketing
category: Business & marketing |
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As an entrepreneur, you’re brimming with ideas, but who has the time to act on them? Being unable to find the time to work on what you want to work on is a common problem. So how do we make room in our lives for this stuff? Designer extraordinaire and guest writer Arley McBlain serves up some suggestions.
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Posted on Mar 19 2012 5:13 pm by Web Copywriters
tags: Copywriters Working in the Web
category: Business & marketing |
1 Comment

When you think of myths, you might think of ancient Greece and sacred beliefs about Titans, Olympians and lesser gods. Copywriting, although less ancient or sacred, has its own set of myths about copy length and word choice. In the interests of better copy for everyone, let’s dispel some of the most pervasive copywriting myths.
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Posted on Feb 8 2012 12:10 pm by Web Copywriters
tags: Writing for the Web
category: Writing for the Web |
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Tired of pointless, regurgitated viral debris? A convenient, painless way to expand your entrepreneurial mind in 2012 is to get a daily dose of TEDTalks, comprising more than 900 thought-provoking presentations on technology, entertainment, design, sciences, humanities, arts, NGOs, business and more. You’ll gain life-altering insight and inspiration from the globe’s leading thinkers and doers to better your life, your business and your world.
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Humans are hardwired for stories. Our earliest communities used storytelling to transmit beliefs and information from one generation to the next. Even today, we teach our children to respond to stories, whether it’s The Tales of Peter Rabbit or The Time Aunt Becky Got Smashed during Christmas Dinner.
Today, marketers use stories as a powerful way to connect with consumers. You can use storytelling to sell too, if you know when and where to use it.
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Posted on Dec 14 2011 10:17 pm by Web Copywriters
tags: Branding Writing for the Web
category: Writing for the Web |
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