Whether you’re a content writer, designer, developer, photographer, artist — or virtually any creative — it seems we’ve all had experiences where clients unknowingly get in the way. Following a passing comment or a random article that pops up in a feed, suddenly the client starts to insist on ill-advised tactics. It can be a challenging situation, but one that can be resolved with the right approach.
It’s 2028. Everyone uses hoverboards and electric cars that drive themselves, and there’s a SpaceX elevator to the moon. But what does everything look like? What is the future of design — do the hottest future design jobs include yours? And how do you stay competitive? A web copywriter is likely to be in the mix (Webcopy+ has been in the business of optimizing online and digital content for more than a decade), but who, and what, will we be working with?
As creatives — from content writers to art directors — we all occasionally suffer from creative block. Sometimes it’s about overcoming procrastination, and sometimes it’s about bringing fresh, semi-genius concepts to the studio. So we asked some of our creative friends around the globe: How do you get unstuck creatively?
I believe design shapes the world, and PR can help give the industry a bigger and brighter stage. That’s why I’m delighted with my recent appointment as the National PR Chair for the Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC), which allows me to help foster understanding and appreciation of design across Canada and around the globe.
It seems almost all designers who partner with our web copywriting firm have made a solemn declaration to Apple products. In fact, the conviction is so profound, it compelled our copywriters to switch entirely to Macs in 2008. Curious what drives this deep desire and devotion with visual creatives, we asked creative directors in Canada, the US and Europe: Why do designers use Macs?
User Experience: Designing a Better World
User experience (UX), simply put, is the relationship between people and technology. Whether you’re a designer, developer, copywriter, entrepreneur, or other creative type, you’ve got a hand in identifying and designing that relationship. You have the power to create a product, service or website that people are drawn to, find easy to use and understand quickly. And with that power comes responsibility.
8 Techniques to Push Your Creative Boundaries
Creativity spawns meaningful satisfaction and value in life and work. Sadly, people habitually scurry to “what’s worked in the past” for the quickest path to limitations and boredom. Fear of failure is often the toothy gremlin that encourages us to recycle old ideas that have worked rather than risk new concepts. But repeatedly pushing your creative boundaries is like any other activity that we do again and again — over time, it becomes less scary and more rewarding.
5 Questions Plus With David Berman
Design matters, like never before, states David Berman, author of do good design, the internationally renowned book that challenges designers to disarm weapons of mass deception to help make the world a better place. We asked this influential thought leader with a quarter century of graphic, interface and accessibility experience about the Internet, our moral compass and the future.
| category: Business & marketing Web world at large | 5 Comments
Famous Quotes That Provoke Creativity
Creative individuals tend to be spontaneous, expressive and uninhibited, and have an innate ability to see connections and relationships where others don’t. Whether you’re a designer, writer or musician, we can all sometimes use a little spark to incite new ways of solving problems and approaching situations. So here are some wise words from yesteryear that can help heighten your creativity today, and tomorrow.