How Important is Content to Web Design?

Content and web design

With today’s brands communicating across an endless array of online marketing vehicles and avenues, just how important is content to web design? We asked several design and marketing experts, and here’s what they had to say.

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What is a Web Content Strategy?

Content strategy

What’s a web content strategy? It’s planning content creation, delivery and governance, and it’s a practice every business should employ — but few do. Taking a step back and developing the right strategy can maximize the impact and reach of your web content, and help you surpass your business goals.

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Does Your Website Need a Makeover? Take Our Test

Website content test

Is your website still sporting the equivalent of parachute pants and neon hoop earrings? If so, it’s probably time for a website makeover. Take our test to find out for sure.

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Are Business Blogs Dead?

Business blogs

With the rise of social media, there have been dire predictions of the demise of business blogs. Not true. Today, business blogs can bring more benefits to you and your business than ever before. Here are just a few:

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5 Reasons to Be Bossier on the Web

Web content marketing

No one liked the kid that bossed them around in school, but chances are, that bossy kid got what they wanted more often than the quiet ones.

You don’t have to be the unlikeable kind of boss to get what you want on the Web. In fact, simply asking people to complete a task can go a long way. Here are five reasons to be bossier on the Web, and how it can help get your web content, and your business, in front of more eyes.

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Take it From Zach: Add People to Your Wolf Pack

Zach Galifianakis - The Hangover - Creative Collaboration

Are you a loner? Think of yourself as a one-man wolf pack? Whether you’re in Las Vegas looking for trouble or an entrepreneur seeking sweet success, growing your wolf pack provides an opportunity to creatively collaborate with different people who can complement your knowledge, skill, influence and access.

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What’s a Key Marketing Element Most Businesses Neglect?

Marketing elements

Marketing is a critical lifeline for any business. It helps identify, attract, satisfy and keep customers. So we asked creative professionals in the marketing realm: What’s a key marketing element most businesses neglect?

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Marketing Lessons From UFC Champion Georges St-Pierre

Georges St-Pierre - Marketing

Adaptability, creativity and multiple delivery methods make two-time and reigning UFC Welterweight Champion Georges “Rush” St-Pierre (GSP) virtually unstoppable in the ring. Despite your weight class — make that your business size — marketers can take a page from this Canadian mixed martial arts master.

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How to Stop the Internet from Eating Your Brains

Internet Zombie

Is the Internet making you stupid? Many academics say sites like Twitter — and the Internet at large — are devouring our brains like zombies. But is it really the Internet’s fault that you decided to follow Snooki? No! Smart ideas do exist online, and you can absorb them into your deteriorating grey matter if you know where to find them. Then you can tell professor Mark Bauerlein (author of The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future) where he can shove it!

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5 Questions Plus With StrawberryFrog’s Scott Goodson

ScottGoodson - Webcopyplus Web Writing Services Article

Our copywriters recently caught up to Scott Goodson, Founder and Chairman of StrawberryFrog, “the world’s first Cultural Movement agency,” with offices in New York, Amsterdam, Mumbai and Sao Paulo. Pushing innovation and brand building boundaries for over a quarter of a century with agencies based in Canada, Sweden and the US, he’s helped brands such as P&G, Heineken, Pepsico, Starbucks and Daimler Benz, to name a few. So we felt compelled to ask him about everything from when he first fell in love with the Internet to what he cherishes most about designers.

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