Web Content Writers Should Learn from Journalists

When it comes to writing for the Web, web content writers should take a pointer from journalists: never bury the lead.

Seasoned journalists write no-nonsense copy that gets to the important information at once. On the contrary, inexperienced web content writers expect online visitors to do the hard work and plow through piles of long-winded website content. This web content writer is sending the message: this will take some time — which can turn people away on the fast-paced Web.

A web content writer with experience knows investing extra time to define the key messages, get the lead to the top of the website content, and keep the information clear and concise is advantageous. It sends the message: this won’t take much of your time. And, if the website content is relevant, the visitor will quickly determine what the story is about and why he should read on.

It’s called the inverted pyramid, and it enables businesses to quickly and effectively relay why the visitor should pay attention.

When you only have a few seconds to make a point, every word counts.

2 responses to “Web Content Writers Should Learn from Journalists”

  1. Karl says:

    Good point. It would seem journalists then would make good web copywriters, rather than a copywriter who likes to write longer story-based or research-based content.

  2. Himaya says:

    good point here!:D as journalists make point per point. plus, who has time to read a bulk of bla bla.

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