When it comes to search engine optimization, web writers should target a few short, broad terms as well as several longer, more specific keyword phrases.
It makes sense when you consider an iProspect report that revealed when an initial search is unsuccessful, 82% of search engine users will re-launch their search using the same search engine, adding more keywords to refine their subsequent search.
Broad keywords can draw great numbers of visitors, however, they can be difficult to attain. To achieve high rankings for general terms in competitive markets, a web writer could require a small army of SEO analysts and programmers.
Longer, more specific search terms are less competitive, which makes it easier to attain higher rankings. Moreover, the detailed search terms — also known as long-tail keywords — often produce more qualified traffic and higher conversion rates.
That’s because searchers who type in more specific terms are deeper into the sales cycle, and are more likely to reach for their wallets.
I am in total agreement with your post. Web writers should be very specific and they should be very professional in their job.They should have a detailed knowledge about keyword and keyword density.
nice post mate…
That’s why you need a team that includes web designers, copywriters and programmers. One person can’t do it all anymore because there’s too much technology and the Internet is so competitive.
You talk about keywords, but dont forget links! It’s amazing how many web designers don’t care about search engine optimization for their clients…talk about missing opportunities!
The sad thing is they don’t care about SEO and their clients don’t know about it. These designers seem to only care about good looking websites, and nothing more.
@Spray…right…web writers should be professional. If you’re not a professional copywriter, unfortunately you’ll revert to Craig’s List and make peanuts…
SEO is game and it is totally related to the content. The better the content, the better is the traffic and credibility. It is also about keywords and the density of keywords.
A great post to learn from for a newbie.
Right, Alfred-you can have tons of web content, but if it’s lousy, don’t expect people to come running. But put out some useful information and the word gets around!
As a designer, I think web writers should stick to copywriting and programmers should take on SEO. There’s too much for one person to cover and you might miss opportunities. With so many people online and search engines being so important in driving traffic to websites, both writing and SEO should be taken seriously — as seriously as design.